Poor Man’s Salmon in Pouring Rain
In the springtime we often get Hickory Shad in the bay while fishing for striped bass. Today, I decided to go down to a marshy point that typically holds hickory shad this time of year. They were there! Not a lot of them but thinking the tide was too low to hold them much longer. On a high tide, I have seen them right up tight to the marsh edge.
A good way to fish hickory shad or striped bass on a marsh edge on high tide, is to stop 20 yards from the edge and cast over the marsh and drop your fly or lure just a few feet off the marsh. When I guided a lot of shoreline trips years ago, this was always how we approached a high tide edge. If you walk right up to the edge and start casting you do two things 1) You spook any fish holding right at the edge 2) you cast way out into the water instead of right at your feet.
Wishing you great fishing this weekend and in the season ahead.
Capt. David Bitters, BAYMEN, www.baymenlife.com 31 years Guiding The Bay. Still In Love.