Slow Morning, Lovely On The Bay
Greetings from Capt. Dave & BAYMEN!
On board today, Jim Fitzgerald and his friend, Mark, for light tackle striped bass.
At first ight, a wisp of N wind, bay was calm, and there was a thick fog across the bay that pretty much stayed offshore. Water temps were 68 degrees. Tide was almost dead low. A full moon was setting in the west.
We ran to our first spot of the morning and to our delight some nice fish were busting bait on topwater. Out went the Hogy and Ingtent Tackle poppers and two fine striped bass came back in! What a great way to start the day. We had many more hits and misses and then it got quiet as the tide bottomed out.
On to our next spot in Plymouth waters that was void of fish. The waters looked so perfect and I fully expected to get into some decent topwater action. We did see one or two fish make “V’s” across the flats. They were most likely grubbing or looking for small green crabs in a foot of water.
Back into Duxbury waters to fish the incoming. Lovely rips setting up and we fished them all. Two hits and misses but no hook-ups. We ran deeper into Duxbury to fish another spot that was void of fish. We moved around Duxbury bay and had several more follows and hits but no hook-ups. We were starting to see a pattern!
Next up we decided to leave Duxbury bay and fish Kingston bay. We worked several of my spots in the area over about a mile of water. The area was void of fish. A few more spots around the bay on the way in and we called it a slow but lovely morning on the bay. We landed two fish and had fifteen or more hits and misses throughout the morning. Best bite was on the last hour of dropping in the skinny water.
Back at it. Stay Posted:
Capt. David Bitters, BAYMEN, 31 Years Guiding The Bay. Still In Love.
Solid Deo Gloria!