Faith, Fishing, & The Narrow Road
Sometimes you know beyond a shadow of doubt that God is tapping you on the shoulder. I had one of those moments recently and God had my full attention. I awoke in the middle of the night and He was clearly speaking to me.
There are two roads we can travel in life. There is still time to change the one you’re on, but don’t delay. As my Dad used to say, “when your time’s up, your time’s up.” The Holy Bible says there is a wide road that leads to eternal destruction and many will find and follow it their whole lives. But there is another road, the narrow road that the King and Savior, Jesus Christ walks, and few will find it. That road leads to Paradise with our Father in heaven, and Jesus will walk with you on that road every hour of every day, and then present you to the Father, if you believe. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6 The Holy Bible, King James Version.
Capt. David Bitters, BAYMEN, Soli Deo Gloria!