Great White Shark Almost Gets Surfer On Cape!
A local surfer shared a heart pounding interaction that he and a friend had with a white shark at Coast Guard Beach yesterday. Their experience is an important reminder that sharks are still in the area. We are glad they’re both safe.
“I took overnight to bring myself to write these words….. Yesterday on November 4th 2023 at about noon my cousin Pete Emond and I were surfing by ourselves over in front of the vip house at Coast Guard beach. Pete was sitting on his board and I was standing on mine when I looked over my shoulder and a 10’ Great white Shark was on track right at Pete’s legs. The shark even turned on its side as if to take a leg , in that moment I yelled SHAARRRRK as Pete was still unaware. As I yelled I stabbed my paddle into the water at the back of the shark and it violently turned at me, tail and head thrashing back and forth erupting the water. The sharks massive tail section almost hit Pete in the face. I was yelling for Pete to go and get to shore as the shark circled behind me very aggressive and agitated. As the shark circled I circled and kept him from being behind me. In that moment a small wave came across the bar and in two quick strokes I was flying towards the beach. We both escaped unharmed and a little shaken. I’ve seen a hundred white sharks while surfing but this takes the top of all my shark interactions. In closing I will add that had I not been on a Sup this event would have played out very differently.
Neither of us panicked and we reacted perfectly. 
