Ducks, Geese, Deer, Striped Bass…
Greetings from Capt. Dave & BAYMEN on the Massachusetts coast!
Striped bass are still here in our bay as the Fall Run seems to be hanging on. Temps this week will top 70 degrees, although this morning we had temps near freezing. There are scattered schools of striped bass chasing peanut bunker under gulls from Duxbury to Plymouth. They tend to be fast-moving and in small “bunches.” They almost never hold and push bait around the bay.
Almost all schools of fish also have huge flocks of cormorant with them that are also feeding on the peanut bunker. At times, there are no striped bass with the flocks of cormorant working the bait. At other times, the bass are swimming right with the cormorant chasing the peanut bunker together – a pretty cool situation. Some of the blitz action has been absolutely intense. To make matters more difficult, cormorant are VERY weary of boats and shoreline anglers and will “spook” upon approach. Sometimes the bass and bait spook with them, other times the bass and bait hold for a short time. It is a fickle situation but that is the stage we are at in the Fall Run.
Duck hunting is in full swing in the Central Zone. I was invited to hunt at a friends blind and got a wood duck and two geese that will be spending some time in the Admiral’s crockpot! They decoyed well and came in on wires to some excellent calling.
Bow deer season is also underway. Lots and lots of deer in zone 11. Drive around (carefully) at first light and I bet you will see a half-dozen or more. Bucks are on the move, so use caution at dawn and dusk when traveling to and from work. They are notorious for running across rods, oblivious to automobiles, during the rut. The Fall Rut here in MA typically peaks around November 7th but a “second rut” can extend right into the winter months. The bucks are chasing the does.
Final word – There have been some giant striped bass quietly caught and released around the bay this month. Fish 46″-53″ and topping 50lbs. All of them on live or whole dead drifted baits. There have been huge schools of hickory shad inside the bay and the big bass have been hanging with them. But I wouldn’t know anything about that. I’m a fly guy ;o)
Tight Lines & STAY POSTED:
Capt. David Bitters, BAYMEN, 31 Years Guiding The Bay. Still In Love.
Soli Deo Gloria!