First Fish 19 Days Away…!
Greetings from Capt. Dave & BAYMEN!
First striped bass of the season will start to trickle into our local waters in 19 days… Final gear preparations are underway and the fly rods & reels and the Light Tackle rods & reels are getting cleaned, lubed and waxed one last time.
I will start up my daily BAYMEN Fishing Reports as soon as I get my clients into fish. Baymen Reports will then run daily all season long, right into October as usual. Stay posted!
Capt. David Bitters, BAYMEN, 31 Years Guiding The Bay. Still In Love.
Fly Fishing & Light Tackle Striped Bass Charters on the Massachusetts Coast. Shallow water sight fishing and structure fishing. Booking 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 Seasons. I am currently booking 1-2 years ahead. Book early to get the dates you want.