Holy Meditation & Christmas Message
Humpback Whale by Capt. David Bitters
It should come as no surprise that I am a lifelong hunter, angler, photographer, and admirer of all of God’s creation. I am also a wannabe pianist, a past drummer in a R&R band in my college years, a prior service law enforcement officer, and a youth leader along with the “Admiral” for eleven years working with Jr. High and High School youth. I was also the owner of Baymen Outfitters, a fly fishing, bait & tackle shop for seven years and had the distinct honor of working 130 hours per week. I have been guiding on the bay for 31 years and I grew up spending much of my time in the woods and on the waters in God’s glorious creation, with my Dad.
I am also a believer in Jesus Christ the Son of God and Christmas is one of my favorite celebrations of all! I read and study the Holy Bible and ponder over it’s wisdom and eternal message of love, hope and salvation for all who believe. I use it as my guide to navigate life’s trials, tribulations and joys and to help hold me up when I stumble (often). Below is today’s Holy Meditation from this morning’s readings.
May God bless you all and your families this Christmas season!
Capt. Dave, BAYMEN, baymenlife.com 31 Years Guiding The Bay. Soli Deo Gloria!
The Holy Bible has warned us from the days of Daniel 605-536 B.C. (remember Daniel and the lions den?) to the days of Apostle John 95 A.D. (fisherman, disciple of Jesus, author of Revelation, et al) that a time of distress and trial will come upon the whole earth that has never before been seen since the beginning of time, to test the people upon the earth. That is, who is willing to repent of their sins and worship our creator and live our lives for him as urged in the Holy Bible, as opposed to living and worshipping something else (self, false gods, money, fishing (!) etc. – anything that we put ahead of or in place of God ). God’s love and our repentance are the fundamental traits of the Christian faith found in the Holy Bible. Faith in God is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). When we repent, we call upon the name of the Lord to be saved and to be turned from our sins to the grace of Jesus the Savior, who blesses us with eternal life. Jesus referred to eternal life as “Paradise” while dying on the cross on the hill of Golgotha outside the city of Jerusalem in 33 A.D. Jesus final words before he died on the cross were “it is finished” meaning he has paid for our justification to be saved from the penalty of our sins. Three days later, God The Father raised him from the dead and Jesus sat down at the right hand of The Father in Paradise. Repent therefore, and call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved (Romans 10: 12-15).