3 Fish, 2 Keepers
Greetings from Capt. Dave & BAYMEN!
On board today, repeat anglers Jack and Wayne of Oh.Deer Tick & Mosquito Control. Crews from this company have been fishing with me for several years and it is always a lot fun!
At first light, a near low tide and a dead-calm sea. Gorgeous fireball sunrise and a setting full moon with a wisp of SSW. Water temps 67 degrees. No topwater, no birds working other than lesser terns working micro bait on the shallow bars.
First stop of the morning nobody home… Onward to spot #2 of the morning. First drift…WHAM! Keepah on the Baymen Jig! A slot fish that we released. A short time later – WHAM! Keepah number two of the morning also on a Baymen Jig. That fish was released as well. On another drift nearby the sonar lit up like a Christmas tree! Nice red chevrons. We dropped our tackle on the heads of those fish and they would not take at slack low. We drifted several times over them and moved on.
At dead low tide we ran to T-Time in Plymouth waters. We spooked one fish in 3 fow as we pulled in. A few bumps as we worked our way up water. At the top of the drift we had a decent hit and then another. But no hook-ups. Back down into the main channel we searched for bait and bass on the sonar and it was a flat white line. We ran back out on the now incoming tide to check on that nice school of fish we drifted at slack. As predicted, they were long gone…
Next spot of the morning more taps on the tackle but no takes. Same for the next two spots. Almost not fish marked other than solo fish. Then, we worked a piece of water that had a ton of bass marked! I was thinking Game On! But those fish also ignored our offerings. A few taps and only one take, a short bass just under slot.
From there we tried three more of my spots and all of them were void of fish. The bright side is it was a perfect weather day! Cool, sunny, and blue skies. And we landed and released two fine keepers and one short. No sign of seals, no sign of sharks, and no topwater action anywhere inside the bay today. The secret to a slow day? Never forget that every day is a gift from God.
Back at it and dreaming of the fall run that typically starts in our waters on or about August 25th: Birds, bait and lots of topwater action on Fly & LT. STAY POSTED:
Capt. David Bitters, Baymen, www.baymenlife.com 31 Years Guiding The Bay. Soli Deo Gloria!