Remembering Gerald Cooney
Some people just inspire you to push onward regardless of the situation. The late Harvard graduate and banker, Gerald Cooney, was one of those men. He passed away in 2008. I was at his home one day maybe 30 years ago (?) and he wanted to show me a picture on his wall in his bedroom at the end of his bed. Gerald had had a massive stroke that robbed him of most of his speech. But he pointed at this picture with his cane and I will never forget his words: “No way… No Way! Bang! Bang!” A lifelong outdoorsman, this picture drove him to leave a bed ridden state and to push himself – hard – onward, through life. In that brief moment Gerald made me realize something of great value, that I have carried with me throughout my life: YOU NEVER, EVER, GIVE UP, NO MATTER WHAT! I hope I see you in heaven my friend. God rest your beautiful soul and may God bless your family and friends you left behind – Capt. David Bitters