Today’s Thoughts: Fishing & Salvation
TODAY’S THOUGHTS: Fishing & Salvation
The well-known fly fishing author, John Gierach, who has written twenty books, just released a new book called ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD. I just got my copy and even better, the famed artist Bob White, who painted the dust jacket cover, also pencil sketched a wonderful fly pattern on the inside page for me. I asked Bob to sketch the late Lee Wulff’s fly pattern, the Royal Wulff, and it looks awesome! It adds a wonderful, personal touch to my signed copy of John’s book.
John Gierach wrote another book several years ago called, DEATH, TAXES AND LEAKY WADERS. I am sure you have read it. It is a wonderful title that always gives me a chuckle because I have had leaky waders my whole life! But this season is going to be different – I have bought a new pair of ORVIS boot-foot waders and leaky waders will be behind me for good! But that book title, as fun as it is, picks up on a saying that we all say from time to time, and that is only two things in life are for sure: Death and taxes. At the very core it is also a somber reminder that nobody gets out of this life alive. There is a beginning and an end for everybody.
I have read another book that is made up of 66 individual books and assembled into one big book called The Holy Bible. It is the number one selling book of all time and you may have read it or parts of it. In one of the books inside, the book of Romans, written in 57 AD by Saint Paul, he writes these sobering but comforting words that explains a big part of life, in one short sentence: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23, King James Version).
I have thought about this verse many times over my life, often while fishing, and being a man of faith, I have brought it before God in my prayers. I have asked God to help me to understand and believe what Saint Paul was saying. In another book inside the 66 books of the Holy Bible, the book of John, written by John The Apostle AD 85, he writes these words: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” (John 14:6, King James Version).
When I put the entire Holy Bible together, all of it’s history, terrible events, lessons to mankind, and the hope for eternal life, everything becomes quite clear to me. I understand who I am, why I am here, and where I am going when I die.
Fishing, hunting and spending time in the great outdoors is quite a church. I have come to understand that all of creation is an outstretched hand pointing back to God.
Tight Lines & Great Fishing To All.
Capt. Dave, BAYMEN, 31 Years Guiding The Bay.
Soli Deo Gloria!