Fly Casting Classes
Greetings from Capt. Dave & BAYMEN!
I have five fly casting classes this week and just wrapped up one this morning. My client that I had today is a very good fly rodder, but like all of us, he just needed a little fine tuning in his casting stroke to break a few old habits. He is now ready for the season and casting like a Pro. He is really quite good.
Some things I look for and teach when working with any client, is 1) timing, 2) mirror casting the forward and back cast, 3) avoiding shocking the rod, 4) proper drifting line on the backcast, 5) tightening up the double haul timing and using a smaller haul 6) looking over the shoulder to actually see your line straighten out before coming forward, 7) casting stance, 8) clutching line on the forward and backcast, 9) avoiding open wrist casts, 10) avoiding breaking wrist casts, and maximizing distance by putting all the fine points of technique together. Great mechanics and great technique equals a great cast. And just as they say in golf, if you want to be a better fly caster, you have to practice your stroke a few minutes every day. When I have a problem in my personal fly casting that I can’t figure out, I always go to a pro. It is amazing what they can see in just a few casting strokes that can make all the difference in the world to go from a good cast to a great cast and out me back into great casting form.
A couple other notes about today’s client. His personal best fly rod striped bass is 43 inches (!) from shore hooked in just a few feet of water. My favorite kind of fly fishing. For a rod he uses an ORVIS Helios 3D in a 9wt. This is rod is an absolute canon and I want one!
One last note on fly casting: clean your fly lines regularly. I use ICE spray wax that you use on your car for touch-ups. This stuff makes fly lines “fly” out of my guides. I apply it often. Also, if you want to study perfect casting strokes online, watch anything by Lefty Kreh, Flip Pallot, or George Roberts. These are three of the best fly casters in the world and they are very good teachers.
Tight Lines & see you on the bay!
Capt. David Bitters, BAYMEN, 31 Years Guiding The Bay. Soli Deo Gloria!